Get me outta here!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Pakej Prudential - Pelan Insurans 3 Dalam 1: Kad Perubatan, Perlindungan & Simpanan

Ramai yg sebenarnya masih tidak menyedari fungsi sebenar insurans. Bila ada ejen insurans yg menghampiri, ramai yg akan melarikan diri. Tetapi, adakah anda tahu bahawa insurans sebenarnya mempunyai pakej 3 dalam 1?

Sebagai contoh, anda mengambil pelan dgn membayar RM 150 sebulan, anda akan menikmati:

1) Kad rawatan yg bernilai
 - RM 1 juta untuk seumur hidup dgn had tahunan RM 50, 000
- Tidak perlu membayar kos rawatan selagi tidak lebih dari limit.
- kad rawatan sah utk digunakan di dalam & luar negara 24 jam sehari

2) Manfaat Perlindungan
-Pampasan untuk kematian, hilang upaya kekal, kemalangan dan 36 penyakit kritikal.
- Elaun pembedahan
- Elaun Harian wad & ICU
- Elaun tahunan hilang upaya & penyakit kritikal
- Pengecualian sumbangan untuk 36 penyakit kritikal, hilang upaya kekal & kematian pencarum
Contoh: Sekiranya anda dimaukkan ke hospital disebabkan stroke, Prudential akan menanggung perbelanjaan perubatan sehingga RM50,000. Anda juga akan menerima:
-          Elaun pembedahan, elaun harian wad & elaun harian ICU
-          - Pampasan sebanyak RM50,000
-      - Pengecualian sumbangan. Anda tidak perlu membayar premium bulanan sehingga polisi tamat. Prudential akan membayarkan premium termasuk simpanan and sehingga tamat polisi. Polisi itu masih sah dan anda masih di dalam perlindungan sehingga tamat polisi. Selepas polisi tamat, anda masih boleh mengeluarkan wang simpanan anda seperti yg sepatutnya

3) Simpanan dan Pelaburan
Kadar pulangan yg tinggi
Perlaburan berlandaskan Syariah (Takaful)
Melabur untuk persaraan & pendidikan anak
Bonus tanpa tuntutan (dibayar setiap tahun)

Kesimpulannya, anda masih tidak kerugian sekalipun tidak dimasukkan ke hospital sepanjang tempoh polisi kerana anda masih boleh mengeluarkan simpanan anda di akhir polisi. Anda akan rasakan ia amat berguna di masa kecemasan. Mungkin anda tidak nampak kepentigan insurans pada masa ini kerana anda masih muda & sihat. Tetapi, adakah anda sentiasa muda & sihat? Penyakit akan menyerang bila2 masa sahaja dan pada masa itu, sudah terlambat untuk melanggan sebarang polisi insurans...

Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi saya di 012-4658097

Monday, 17 June 2013

Makna Tersembunyi di Sebalik Kalau perempuan tanya / kata..

1. Kalau perempuan tanya : Lawa ke budak pompuan tu? 

Makna tersembunyi : Siapa yang paling lawa? I ke, budak pompuan tu?


2. Kalau perempuan tanya : You dah makan ke belum? 
Makna tersembunyi : Jom pi makan. Lapar ni!

3. Kalau perempuan kata : Lawa-lawa la baju kat sini, yek. 
Makna tersembunyi : Belikanlah untuk I. 

4. Kalau perempuan kata : Rasa macam nak pening la. 
Makna tersembunyi : Tolong picit kepala. 

5. Kalau perempuan kata : Letihnya hari ni. Mana nak masak, basuh kain-baju lagi... 
Makna tersembunyi : Kita makan kat luar jelah. Lepas tu, tolong basuh kain-baju sekali, yek.

6. Kalau perempuan kata : Kita lebih sesuai berkawan saja. 
Makna tersembunyi : I tak nak kat you. Tak paham-paham ke? 

7. Kalau perempuan kata : I suka berkawan dengan you. You baik,memahami bla bla bla... 
Makna tersembunyi : Hish... I rasa macam minat sesangat kat you la. Rasa macam nak jadi awek you je.

8. Kalau perempuan tanya : You pernah tak teringatkan awek you yang dulu? 
Makna tersembunyi : Kalau nak gaduh, kalau berani sangat, sebut la nama dia depan aku. 

9. Kalau perempuan kata : I sanggup berkorban demi kebahagiaan you. 
Makna tersembunyi : Amboi! Aku kena berkorban. Habih, hangpa dua ekoq gak yang seronok. 

10.Kalau perempuan kata : I tak kisah kalau memang betul you nak kahwin lagi satu. Asalkan you berterus-terang dengan I, bersikap jujur dan berlaku adil. 
Makna tersembunyi : Sapa kata aku tak kisah? Adil ke tak adil, aku tak kira! Langkah mayat aku dulu sebelum nak menikah lagi satu. Ini cuma contoh saja.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Wanted: Property For Sale / Rent

Are you:

- Finding property for sale/rent at KL?
- Having property and thinking want to sell/to rent the property?

Please contact me at 012-4658097. I am property agent from Pan Properties (established company since 1983, 30 years). We can make the selling/buying/renting process easier, legally. 

Thursday, 13 June 2013



Upcoming cosmetics product!

Akan menggegarkan dunia anda!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Tips: Buying a Property

Buying a property anywhere can be a risky business, but with the right steps taken, you can turn your property into a good investment, or simply making you a proud owner of your value-for-money property.
Here are some tips on how you can make sure the property you purchase will be worth every penny: -

1. Preparing a Checklist

  • Type of property
    First of all, you must know what kind of property you wish to buy. Is it a terrace house? Apartment? Condominium? Bungalow? Or a shop lot? There are four types of properties a foreigner can buy in Malaysia – apartments, land, landed residential properties or commercial shop-offices.
  • Size of property
    You should determine how many bedrooms and bathrooms you want in that residential property, or how big is the space you want in the property for commercial purposes.
  • Use of property
    Is this property intended for your own use as a residency or office, or is it used as an investment? You must be certain of your “wants” and “needs” before you buy a property, so that you will be able to get the right property you desire.
  • Location
    Where do you want this property to be located at? Should it be near various amenities and facilities for convenience sake or is it better if it is located far away from the urbanised areas to have a little peace and quiet home?
  • Budget
    Now this is a very important aspect to look out for when you are buying property. You need to make sure you have the appropriate budget in order to buy your dream property. Therefore, it is crucial that you separate the “wants” from the “needs” carefully before making a final decision. If your budget is not quite there yet and you can afford to wait a little longer so you can save more money first, then be patient so that you can buy a property that is truly satisfying. There is no point in rushing when you want to buy a property because you would not want to regret spending a huge amount of money on something unworthy.
  • Leasehold or Freehold?
    Although some buyers do not mind, there are those who prefer to purchase a property with freehold as they want to completely own the property by themselves and know that they can safely pass it on to the next generation.

2. Getting Advice from the Experts

  • Trustworthy real estate agents
    When your checklist is set, it is now time to get help from the experts. It is important to find trustworthy agents who will sincerely help you along the way without bailing on you after making his/her commission. Consult your family, relatives or friends who have had good experience with a particular agent. Word-of-mouth can be a powerful tool.
  • Financial consultation
    Here is an area where more research is needed to find out which financial institution is offering the best deals on mortgage loans or lower interest rate. A thorough financial planning will prevent you from being indebted in the future.

3. Background Check

  • Site visit
    It is advisable for you to drop by the property site to check out the area yourself. You need to see it with your own eyes so that there will not be much regrets on the location should any complications arise in the future. It will be even better if you can have a look at an open unit for an up-close view of your property.
  • Established developers
    Make sure you check out the history and background of the property’s developer in order to have security that the property is/will be well-developed. You can also avoid unwanted issues or arguments with an irresponsible developer.
  • Credit check
    Ensure that you yourself have a good credit history and record so that you will not be denied loan when the financial institution runs a credit check on you. Settle all your old debts before building up more new ones.

4. The Overall Process

  • General knowledge
    Equip yourself with the general information of how the whole purchasing process is as many first-time buyers will have difficulties in having a smooth deal because they do not know so much about the procedure. Do not get yourself frustrated unnecessarily.
  • Documentation
    Get your paperwork done and do not gather your documents at the eleventh hour, before you finalise the purchase.
  • Payment
    Always make sure there are no hidden costs before making your down payment. Some buyers get tricked into paying extra money when buying the property because they are unaware of such hidden costs.
Hopefully, the tips above can prepare you to be a better buyer. The bottom line is, do not wait until the last minute to buy a property because it would be sold at a much higher price, especially if the property is in the final phase of development or already fully developed. Always compare notes with other parties as more good opinion can help you decide better.